The beauty of waiting

Hebrews 12:11

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

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I used to run all of the time but once I moved into a home far off the road, I slowly stopped. This spring I decided to venture out to find a new running path and I’m so glad that I did. I think God likes to get me out of my normal routine so He can have my full attention and that’s what happens when I’m out on my runs.

This morning as I was running, I couldn’t shake the thought that was rolling around in my mind and I’m certain it was planted there by God Himself…

“There’s beauty in the waiting”

As I looked around me the message became more clear. I saw it in the trees that were starting to bud. I saw it in the green of the grass. I saw it in the new houses that are being built, and I felt it in me.

When I look back over my journey, I sense that it’s been in the waiting seasons of my life where God has done the most work in my heart. Most of those times were painful, but they always produced fruit.

And then I began to think of the many different scenarios that have required me to wait.

  • Waiting to date until after I was divorced.

  • Waiting for God to send someone to me rather than me trying to help speed up the process.

  • Waiting to live with my guy until we were married.

  • Waiting to speak something out until its the right time.

  • Waiting to pick our produce from the garden until its ripe.

  • Waiting to buy something until I have the money to pay cash for it.

  • Waiting to eat sweets until it’s my official “cheat day”.

  • Waiting to respond until I have thought it through.

  • Waiting to execute something until I have all the pieces in place.

  • Waiting to dream for something new until I have fully mourned the loss.

I’m not going to lie. This season with COVID-19 has been quite painful. There has been significant loss and I’m still trying to process what God is trying to show me with all of it.


I’m also finding much comfort, joy and expectation for what’s to come. I’m willing to wait and I’m not afraid to do the hard work because I know with everything inside of me that it will all be worth it.

Praying for you as you wait too.